At every age, at every stage, Jewish Family Service is here to help, offering over 40 programs and services to benefit every member of the family. YOU can truly make a difference by helping to support our vital work in the community.
JFS was established in 1861. Supporters who provide a minimum gift of $1,861 from July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 can join the JFS 1861 Society. This special group enables JFS to serve our clients and community with professionalism and compassion as we have for the past 160 years. All members will be recognized on our website, at all fundraising events, in select eblasts, in our annual report, and more!
1861 Society Members
7/1/2024 – 6/30/2025 (updated as of 3/25/2025)
Anonymous (2)
Ruth and Bruce Bier
Joni and Alan Cohen
Terri and Michael Goldberg
Marion and Howard Medow
Maxine B. Murnick
Lucy Caldwell-Stair and Thomas Stair
Penina and Matthew Barr
Debra and Seth Cohen
Brynn and Michael Friedman
Stanley Kaish
Lori Feinberg Kany
Steven Kruvant
Leslie and Jay Mayesh
Harriet and Bart Schneiderman
$1,861- $3,599
Gary Berger and Ulysses Dietz
Leslie and Lawrence Blumberg
Jody and Jonathan Caplan
Karen Cherins
Sylvia Cohn
Jodi and Wayne Cooperman
Madeline and Charles Dreifus
Hattie and Arthur Dubroff
Joan Eilbott
Mary Fernandez and Adam Buchsbaum
Jane and Amir Gold
Rebecca and Mitchell Gold
Karen Goldman
Charles Greef and Shawn Lech
Pam and Matt Greenwood
Lynn and Gabriel Gruber
Estate of Ruthella Harwood z”l
Merle and Martin Kalishman
Genesia and Steven Kamen
Fran and A. Gary Katz
Stephen and Sharon Kepniss
Nelson and Beverly Kornstein Foundation
Ellie Lazarus
Jessica and Chip Lemkau
Rebecca and Jed Marcus
Sheree and Nathan Mandelbaum
Donald Piermont, Jr.
Amy and Martin Pollack
Susan and Doug Present
Marcia Robbins-Wilf and Perry Robbins
Ina and Mark Roffman
Lyn Rosensweig and Bruce Schnelwar
Ann and Mel Schaffer
Lori and David Schlanger
Francine and Jim Schneider
Poppy and Richard Segal
Jeffrey and Beth Shapiro
Margot and Marc Schwartz
Ronnie and Michael Senior
Randi and David Silverstein
Marilyn Smilowitz
Eve and David Sorkin
Sherry and Henry Stein