Jewish Family Service of MetroWest Announces Installation of 2022-2023 Executive Board and Board Appointments
In accordance with the By-Laws of JFS MetroWest, the following individuals have been elected to assume leadership as Trustees on the Board.
Nominated as Officers of the Board for 2022/2023:
President Andrea G. Bier
Vice Presidents Shari Brandt, Pamela Davis, Michael Elchoness, Linda Jacobs, Jeff Shapiro, Rachel G. Wilf
Treasurer Steven Glass
Secretary Pamela Fishman
Presidential Appointments Eta Levenson
Immediate Past President Melanie Levitan
Past President Appointment Nancy Eskow
Past President Appointment Marion Medow
Nominated for an initial two year term ending June 2024: Nicole Levitt, Emily Neider, Stephen Weinstein
Nominated for a first three year term ending June 2025: Pam Fishman, Lisa Lindauer, Carrie Nussbaum
Nominated for a second three year term ending June 2025: Eta Levenson, Rachel G. Wilf
Trustees continuing in their terms on the Board: Amy Black, Emily Kirshenbaum, Shari Brandt, Michael Levinson, Rachel Braverman, Robert Marcus, Alan Cohen, Lawrence Rein, Fred Cohen, Mark Roffman, Seth Cohen, Sandra Z. Rosenbaum, Pamela Davis, Peter Sayre, Michael Elchoness, Jeff Shapiro, Steven Glass, David Sorkin, Linda Jacobs, Rita Yohalem, A. Gary Katz, Judith Zaks
Rachel Coalition Steering Committee Chair term ending June 2023: Robin Polson
We acknowledge with gratitude the services of the following who are retiring from or rotating off the Board:
Thelma Florin, Jordana Horn-Gordon, Merle Kalishman, Steven Kany, Stephen Lampf, Jed Marcus, Jean Rich, Barbara Sebiri
JFS Nominating Committee: Eta Levenson and Barbara Sebiri, Co-Chairs
Melanie Levitan, Steven Glass, Pam Davis, Thelma Florin, Merle Kalishman, Rachel G. Wilf